Why I Write

This site is dedicated to my sister. She likes to hear me tell story's about the events that have taken place in my life. She is under the belief that they are funny. Maybe they are and maybe they are not. You, however can decide for yourself as to weather or not these story's are funny. Some are stupid and some are crazy! Enjoy.

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Art of Talking

Some people have the gift for gab.  I know two people in my life that could sell an Eskimo ice trays.  I also know a guy that can use the F word 50 different ways in one conversation.  Then there are the people who can take random references about movies, TV, music, and historical figures or events, combine them together and create one liners for comedic purposes.  It is also funny when you compare people to random famous people to get your point across (read my post about Eddie Murphy trying to run me over).  These last two are where I get my humour from.  Until yesterday I thought this was something I did on my own, and didn't really inherit it from anybody.  Then I got a text from my sister explain to me how my Dad was at the hospital fighting with the Nurses and Doctors.  His comments went like this.  I am in the middle of a Mexican stand off with the hospital.  They want a stool sample. but they wont feed me.  No food, no turd!!!  they want a turd but they are only giving me fluids.  I told them to talk to God because I am just not that good yet.  I can't pull a turd out of thin air.  This whole thing was setup with the use of a Mexican Stand off, which by itself sounds pretty funny.  This to me is comedy at it's best, and I now understand were I get some of my sense of humour.

1 comment:

  1. So what you are saying is that you are becoming more and more like your dad??

    Unfortunate for me!

    Love ya
