Why I Write

This site is dedicated to my sister. She likes to hear me tell story's about the events that have taken place in my life. She is under the belief that they are funny. Maybe they are and maybe they are not. You, however can decide for yourself as to weather or not these story's are funny. Some are stupid and some are crazy! Enjoy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego!!!!

Yesterday my sister and I decided to take a trip to Lagrange Kentucky to see our cousin who has been in jail for 10 years.  This is a trip her and I have made twice before to this same location, but for some reason this time was different.  The trip started out normal, you just head out as if you where driving to Louisville.  But something happened on the Shelbyville exit that I can not explain.  For the first time in my life I became confused as to where the exit was to head toward Lagrange.  Like I said I have been there twice before.  My sister, being the diligent person that she is printed off directions from the Internet. Me, being the Man that I am have no need for paper directions.  I will travel by sunlight, stars, or GPS.  That is a mans way to travel.  So driving down I 64 I proceed to take every exit between Shelbyville and Louisville trying to find the back roads to the prison, with zero success.  You see my sisters papers said to travel the interstate to the destination, but that was just not acceptable, because I preferred the other route.  So after I tried every exit possible, I decided to pull over and turn on the GPS.  This however would lead to more disaster because the GPS talks to you with a woman's voice.  Over the fine years of my marriage I have trained myself to tune out the rhythms of a woman's voice.  Yesterday this was a problem.  I proceed to miss an exit that I was told to take, and then when I did get turned around I proceeded the wrong way down the interstate and had to commit an illegal u-turn.  This however was not my last blunder of the trip.  Upon arriving at the prison,  I was admiring the fact that this building is the tallest building outside of Louisville.  I could completely see it nestled in the middle of a major city.  It does not look like a prison. Upon my admiration, I miss the entrance and drive on past only to have to find a place to turn around down the road a piece.  Just a horrible driving experiance.
The return trip however was all man.  No directions needed, back roads were used, and good travel time was made.
I do have one last note however.  GPS over your phone will shut down when you get a call or a text message.  I got one from my wife on the way to Lagrange and the GPS shut off..   Truly just like a woman,  you get ONE text message from another girl,  and the one you are with, then gives you the third degree....


  1. Seeing as your only two readers are women and the most important reader IS your wife...you better start choosing your words more wisely! :) Love ya

  2. "New route...take exit 22 in 1.25 miles...new route...go 3.45 miles and exit to the right...new route...go .8 miles and make a legal u-turn...new route..." I think it would be awesome if after so many times of saying "new route" the computer lady would say "Pay attention you, idiot!!" or "I give up" or "Please pull to the side of the road. The local law enforcement has been notified to assist you. You will be directed to forfeit your driver's license upon their arrival. Thank you and have a nice day." LOL!! Good times. Thanks for the Sunday drive!!
